Spring Break
Day 1 - Warm-ups, Wall Marches, Boom Booms, Jay Johnson Strength Training.
Day 2 - Warm-ups, Wall Marches, Boom Booms plus Hill Sprints
Day 3 - Warm-ups, Hill Sprints, Jay Johnson Strength Training.
Day 5 Rest
Day 6 Day Repeat Day 1
Day 7 Repeat Day 3
Day 8 Warm up and then do 6-8 Strideouts
Repeat Day 7 then Day 8.
See Dynamics at the end of this document. If you were gone try some of the exercises shown in this video.
Wall Marches
Purpose - Develop proper leg lift and form.
Video 1 Practice this so you get good at it.
Video 2 - this video does a great job of showing the form needed.
Boom Booms
Purpose - Using proper form in a controlled manner
Twitter Videos Front View, Side View, all around view
Non Twitter Versions Video 1, Video 2, Video 3
Hill Sprints
8 seconds long if no hills do 8 second sprints on the beach or backyard.
Purpose - Build strength, use good form doing it, will get the most out of your speed.
Watch the videos below to understand what we are going for.
The workout - do 2-3 marches up the hill. This should incorporate what you have learned from Wall Marches and Boom, Booms
Then do 4-8 hill sprints. You will rest 2-3 minutes between each sprint. This is not an endurance, aerobic workout that your cross country coach, basketball coach, or other coaches have had you do. The purpose is not to make you breath hard but to work on explosion and getting faster. You need full recovery to do that.
Strength Training
Finish with Jay Johnson Strength Training website is here.
Run forward, run backward
Dog bush forward, backward
Karaoke out and back
Love yourself skips-skips with arms
Groin Stretch - triangles with rock back-n-forth
Spider man with hamstring
Pigeon Pull
Knee Pull
Skipping distance-bounding
Skipping height
Marching with a purpose
Dipping bird backward
Butt kicks forward
Butt kicks back word
Deon Sanders Prime times