First Practice: TBD with a Parent Meeting to follow. We will meet students in front of the school. Parent meeting will occur in the football the south end of the football stands.
Practice Times When School Starts: please see calendar
Payment: TBD 2024-2025 *INSURANCE FEE: Each sport that a student participates in requires payment of a supplemental insurance fee from First Agency. We anticipate that the insurance fee for the 2023 – 2024 school year will remain at $30.00 per sport. *SERVICE FEES: Students must pay a service fee for each sport prior to participation in their first contest. We anticipate service fees for the 2023 – 2024 school year will be at $30 per sport. (*Partial scholarships are available.)
What is cross-country? You hang out with friends, go to the beach, run in the woods, meet kids from other schools, get in shape, have lots of fun, play capture the flag. Cross-country is a school sport where students race two miles across fields and through woods. You will work but we will try to make it worth your effort.
How far do you run? The race is 2 miles. For those that think they cannot run two miles we build you up to it. You do not need to be able to do it the first day or even the first week. You will get there I promise.
What do I need? Physical, good running shoes, and a desire to have fun while you work. Please see the shoe section at the end of the sheet. Shorts, leggings, short sleeve and long sleeve shirt. Uniform will be provided for meets.
Why would I want to do this sport? You do not have to be fast or even a good runner to enjoy it. If you want to challenge yourself and be a part of a team that will help you grow physically and mentally tougher then this is the place for you. The slower you are the more opportunity to improve. YOU CANNOT get cut.
Who can run cross-country? Girls and boys in the 7th and 8th grade can compete in the two-mile race.
Can I play soccer and run cross-country? If the soccer team you play for is a travel team, not the school/NORA team, you may. You must be well versed in the art of communication and not treat cross country as a drop in sport. We are flexible and interested in building life long runners who may not play soccer their whole life.
Shoes – You will need a good pair of trainers. I highly recommend that you go to a running shoe store for these. You may save $20-$30 but could end up paying more than that in co-pays for a wrongly fit shoe. Please go to get a good pair of shoes before the season. If you have any questions please call one of the coaches at home or school. Spikes - maybe but wait and see how they are feeling and they have been hard to get a hold of them.
Water bottles - You will want one for practice. We will not run with them but it will help keep us out of the school.
Saturday Meets - We have them. Family comes first.